Northern lights May 2024 in Tallinn

Last year, my wife and I had the chance to see the Northern Lights for the very first time in our lives. It was an incredible experience, especially because we simply drove to the beach here in Tallinn and were able to witness the spectacle in the sky over the city, even with all the light pollution. On top of that, it was +15°C at midnight! Crazy, right? That night, we thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and experience. But last Friday night, we were proven wrong.

Northern lights from our balcony in the middle of Tallinn

The forecast for the Northern Lights on Friday, May 10th 2024, was very promising: clear sky, making it a perfect night for this colorful phenomenon. However, as the evening went by, we were already getting a bit tired. We checked the sky every hour but couldn’t see anything, even though our Aurora app indicated that we were right in the middle of it. The KP index was 8.3! So, shortly after midnight, we decided to go to bed. But for whatever reason, I walked from the bedroom to the kitchen one last time to check if I could see anything. And there it was. I could already see it through the windows with the lights on in the kitchen. It was so intense – WOW 🤩

We put on our winter coats, went outside, and were completely blown away by this utterly fascinating spectacle. Colorful, peaceful, just WOW 😍

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