Photo project „No Make-Up!“ #006 – Clarissa

Finally 🚀 I managed to restart my photo project „No Make-Up!“. If you are not familiar with this project, check out this page. Here you’ll find everything what it’s all about 👉 Photo project „No Make-Up!“

Call to action

Right now we are in Portugal. And as in mostly every other touristy area there’s at least one Facebook group for expats. So I did a post in one of those groups if someone is interested to be part of my project as model. And I was surprised and overwhelmed by the amount of responses I got on this one post. 54 women contacted me. That’s crazy! 😍


First things first – don’t panic, sort and try not to get lost 😂 Not that easy, because there are so many different motivations for taking part in my photo project. And of course it’s a matter of distance. Even at the Algarve you can drive for two hours by car like nothing. I also got feedback from Lisboa and Porto – WOW!

Statements und backgrounds

All the statements and backgrounds stories of those who wrote me really blew my mind. Incredible and moving motivations, why to be part of the project. For me, it’s very important that this is not about just having new nice pictures, it’s about making a statement. The huge amount and diversity of responses and motivations is showing me, that this project is more important than ever.

Photo shooting with Clarissa

I did my first photo shoot very soon with Clarissa. We met two days after my post very spontaneously in Santa Luzia, a gorgeous locations with perfect weather on that day. And Clarissa is just wonderful. But check out the photos and video and have a closer look at her face and body language, how it changed from the beginning till the end. 😍 So cool.


The fact, that Monika is with me and also interacts with the model a lot, is so helpful. We chat, get to know each other and in between I can observe very easily and relaxed. So this helps me to learn a lot about the human being in front of my camera. This helps me to discover the nature and beauty of the model and learn to capture the right moments. And this very casual situation helps also the model to relax and forget about the camera.


As always with this project there’s not much to do in the editing. Most of the work is get through the shots and pick the best. That isn’t easy when you got so many good photos. After the selection is done I only do some adjustments of brightness, contrast and cutting, but no retouching of the model. Finally I add some grain and voilà – the photo series „Clarissa – No Make-Up!“ is done.

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